Dogs on the Beach

Dogs on the Beach

It is great to hit the beach with your best friend. When your best friend has four legs and a tail, it can be
a bit of a challenge to find beaches that will welcome him or her. Unfortunately, most of the beaches at
the Jersey Shore that do allow dogs only allow them during the off-season. Still, there are plenty of days
to bring your dog to the beach to romp, play and toss a Frisbee around.

Check out a few examples of Jersey Shore beaches that allow dogs and then read on for some tips and
etiquette for when you bring your dog to any beach.

Jersey Shore Dog Friendly Beaches

Higbee Beach Wildlife Management Area

Dogs are allowed at this beach during the off-season. Dogs must be leashed at all times while on the

Cape May Point State Park

Like Higbee Beach, Cape May State Point Park only allows leashed dogs in the off-season.

Long Beach Island Brant Beach (Dog Park)

This isn’t just a beach that allows dog, it is a beach for the dogs. This dog park is situated in such a way
that pooches can play on the sand and then make their way to the water for a swim.

Stone Harbor Beach

This beach once only allowed dogs during the off-season. Recently, those rules were softened and dogs
are now welcome between 80th and 83rd Streets from dawn to 9 a.m. and from 6 p.m. until dusk. This
gives you plenty of good hours during the summer to be able to frolic with your four-legged friend.


There are some things every pet owner should keep in mind when bringing their dogs to the beach.

• Dogs wear fur coats. If you are hot, your dog is hotter. Make sure that your pet has access to
shade, water and other methods of staying cool. If you notice that your dog is panting
excessively, refuses to drink water or becomes lethargic, get him to a cooler place.
• Do not allow your dog to swim out too far. If he gets too far from shore and gets caught in a
current, you may be left to figure out a way to rescue your pet. It is best to stay close to your pet
anytime he is in the water.
• Dogs don’t have flip-flops. If possible, avoid having your dog walk across the pavement during
very hot weather. If the pavement is too hot, it could burn the pads of your dog’s feet. Instead,
try to walk your dog across grassy areas. If this isn’t possible, carry your dog over the pavement.
• Dogs can get sunburn just like humans can. If your dog has short hair, apply a sunscreen to all
exposed areas. Even long haired dogs should have sunscreen applied to their nose and ears. • Do not allow your dog to drink seawater.
• If there is a jellyfish warning, do not allow your dog to go in the water.


It is also important to be considerate of the others who are patronizing the beach.

• Remember that even though you are a dog lover, others on the beach might not feel the same
way. Regardless of the rules about the dog being on a leash, make sure that your dog does not
run over and disturb others. Some people are genuinely frightened of dogs – even small ones –
and a loose dog running at them can be quite traumatic.
• Beaches that allow dogs have a policy that requires pet owners to pick up after their pets. Do it.
Every time and without exception. If you bring your dog to the beach, do not forget to bring a
supply of baggies to make cleaning up after your dog a little easier.
• Do not choose the most crowded section of the beach. If there is a more secluded spot, choose
to set up camp there. It will be easier to control your dog and less of a chance your pet will
bother other beach goers.

A day at the beach can be a great way to spend time with your pet while at the Jersey Shore. If you
follow the above tips and respect the other beach goers, there is no reason that this can’t become a
favorite activity for you and your pet.